If you have a question on how to get started, or how to use the features or functions of EZ sniper, you will find the information here. Problems with the site or service are addressed on the TROUBLESHOOTING pages.
Here are the topics you will find in the Tutorial:
Adding bidding accounts for auction sites other than eBay.
Except for eBay, you have a login to access your EZsniper account, and separate logins for each auction site you use EZsniper to snipe. To change any of these logins, log into EZsniper. From the left sidebar, go to MY ACCOUNT>MANAGE LOGINS.
At the top of the page you may select between BIDDING LOGINS and EZsniper LOGINS. Choose BIDDING LOGINS to manage the logins for auction sites. If you want to link or re-link your EZsniper account to eBay, click the text link on your eBay bidding account listing. If you want to add an auction site, use the dropdown to see if we support that site. Choose the auction site, and add your login in the appropriate fields. To change any of your other bidding account logins, use the EDIT LOGIN button next to that bidding account. You may also ADD, DELETE or VERIFY bidding accounts from this interface.
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